SoftMouse.NET Password Management

Information Security Management (ISM)

Your password must contain:

  1. A lowercase letter a, b, c, d, … x, y, z
  2. A capital (uppercase) letter A, B, C, D, … X, Y, Z
  3. A number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  4. The length of your password should be minimum 8 characters
  5. Special characters !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ?, _, ~

How to create password?

Go to the registration page and follow the sign up process.

How to change password?
When logged in to your SoftMouse.NET account:

Follow these steps to change your password at any time:
  1. Click the Home icon to go to the Administration part of your account
  2. Click the My Profiled Menu
  3. Scroll down to the Change Password section
  4. Enter your current password
  5. Enter your new password --- for optimal security, we recommend an 8 character combination of letters and numbers with at least one capital letter
  6. Re-enter your new password
  7. Click Save

Forgot Password?
How to login when you forgot your password?

Quickly reset your password as follows:
  • Go to www.SoftMouse.NET
  • In the login box, click the link "Forgot your password?"

  • In the pop up box, fill in the fields and click Submit

  • Check your email for the new temporary password
  • Login to your account and reset your password in the My Profile page

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